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Our experts
Our experts

AOE employees, authors, Friends. Our experts from the field.

Find out how our employees work at AOE and read their knowledge pieces.

AOE people

Mathias SchopmansMathias SchopmansDeveloper
Julia BohligJulia BohligProduct Owner
Jakob ChristofJakob ChristofMarketing
Bastian IkeBastian IkeTechnical Director Cybersecurity
Cordula KartheiningerCordula KartheiningerHR & AOE Academy Strategy Lead
Daniel PötzingerDaniel PötzingerCTO
Daniel ZohmDaniel ZohmDeveloper
Denis ZastanceanuDenis ZastanceanuUser Experience / Product Design
Dirk AlthausDirk AlthausManager Strategic Initiatives
Jan VölkerJan VölkerUX Architect
Kevin SchuKevin SchuDirector Cloud & Devops
Kian GouldKian GouldCEO & Founder AOE, Chairman Omnevo
Luise BrandelLuise BrandelProduct Owner
Mario ErazoMario ErazoDeveloper
Stefan MasztalerzStefan MasztalerzDeveloper
Stefan RotschStefan RotschSenior Solution Architect
Steffen RitterSteffen RitterCommercial Director Cybersecurity
Thomas LayhThomas LayhDevelopment
Thorsten EssigThorsten EssigDeveloper
Wilma WundererWilma WundererConcept Developer, UX & Interaction Design

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