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HR & AOE Academy Strategy Lead

Working with people, interests, skills and their heart and soul.

My path

Born and raised in the Allgäu  Already in ninth grade I knew (through an internship in human resources) that this was my idea of valuable work. After my secondary school leaving certificate and subsequent high school graduation, I did a bachelor's degree in business administration with a focus on human resources. After that, I spent a year getting an intensive taste of human resources management in a large corporation (I learned a lot, but also realized that this was not a suitable learning environment for me), and then added a master's degree in human resources management (M. Sc., HS Pforzheim).

Working at AOE

After my master's degree I could have joined a large corporation, but my gut feeling told me: "I'm too young to die (smile)". By chance I met my current colleague Susanne in the course of my studies (they were looking for a colleague – on the way with an advertised master's thesis) in the lecture hall.

What convinced me? The honest statements in my interviews, as part of my master's thesis. Everyone was so enthusiastic about the AOE spirit and the way you meet at work. And I thought, "if this place is half as cool as it sounds, it's already terrific" – and I'll give it a try.




Something that I'm passionate about

Professionally: The honest encounter with everyone at work, being able to address the real problems and work on the matter and still have enough space to be a "human being" holistically as well.

Personally: Hiking – the view from a mountain top always inspires me anew.


A day in my life

07:00: Start of work, the colleagues are still sleeping, I can rock a few tasks away12:00: 12 o'clock sharp, lunch time6:00 pm: I slowly finish work and relax with a yoga session
09:00 daily: focus on the things that need to be taken care ofAfternoons: mostly (spontaneous) meetings and solving new little problems that have popped up