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Insights / Blog / Tech

Checklist "Green IT - Practical application in the company"

June 28, 2024
Stefan RotschStefan RotschSenior Solution Architect

The "Green IT - practical application in the company" checklist offers comprehensive guidance on reducing CO2 emissions and increasing energy efficiency and sustainability in IT.

This includes the use of energy-efficient servers and laptops, the optimization of air conditioning systems and energy-saving modes as well as the use of durable hardware and multifunctional devices. Software should be optimized through efficient algorithms and lazy loading, while indexes and stored procedures increase performance in databases. For environmentally friendly cloud computing, the carbon footprint and energy efficiency of providers are evaluated and green hosting is used.

Recycling and correct disposal of old hardware as well as employee training on green IT promote sustainable behavior. Monitoring tools and regular audits support monitoring and transparent reporting. Continuous improvements are ensured through feedback, external audits and regular reviews of strategies.  

This checklist highlights the practical application of Green IT in companies.

Want to read the full check list?

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About the author

Stefan Rotsch has many years of expertise in the development and architecture of complex web applications. As a Solution Architect at AOE GmbH, he analyzes and designs software projects and supports customers and development teams from conception to successful go-live. He has been dealing with the topics of "sustainability through digitalization" and "green IT" for some time and has already given several lectures on the subject.