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Colorful Stripes for Schelmengraben Elementary School

July 01, 2024

As part of the "Wiesbaden Engagiert" action week, the "Colorful Stripes for Schelmengraben Elementary School" event took place on Friday. Instead of writing code or interviewing candidates, nine AOE employees left their workplaces on Friday and picked up paint rollers and brushes.

The mission: to make Schelmengraben Elementary School more beautiful and safer. Each floor received colorful stripes to help students orient themselves and find their way out safely in case of an emergency. Additionally, the art room got a fresh coat of paint and now shines in glossy white. The children enthusiastically participated and supported us with their school song. A day full of color, teamwork, and joy – that’s how social engagement is fun!

About „Wiesbaden Engagiert!“

For the 20th time, the "Wiesbaden Engagiert!" action week brought together non-profit organizations and businesses this year to promote solidarity through joint projects. "Wiesbaden Engagiert" is an initiative of the CSR Regio.Net corporate network, which is committed to civic engagement and social responsibility in Wiesbaden. AOE employees have participated in the action week before – including building a chicken coop for EVIM Disability Support.

We thank everyone from the AOE team who made this day possible and look forward to the next action week!