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Made by the community for the community. Open-source by AOE.

We are fully committed to the open-source concept. That's why we not only trust open-source technologies in customer projects, but are also actively involved in the development of many open-source projects.

Our open-source contribution

We have been active in the open source community for many years. Many of our developers work privately or are funded by AOE on OSS projects, commit bug fixes or provide community support and thus contribute to the development of new software.

319 projects
3,146 stars
158k package downloads

Our view on technology trends:
The AOE Tech Radar.

Constantly assessing, testing, and, if applicable,
adopting new technologies is part of how we support
our customers to find the best-possible solution to meet
their business needs. Our open-source AOE Tech Radar
helps share an overview of software programs and current
trends in web development – and you can build your own!

AOE Tech Radar

Open-source software by AOE

Flamingo: blazingly fast GO framework for headless commerce

Flamingo is a blazingly fast open source front-end framework that allows you to develop the most sophisticated web applications with customized frontends. In addition, Flamingo Commerce lets you build the ultimate e-commerce experience from a set of pre-built modules.

More about Flamingo

vistecture: Visualize, analyse and document software service architecture

Discover your architecture in the browser: vistecture is a tool for visualizing and analyzing distributed (micro) service oriented architectures. Just define your applications with its dependencies in a simple yaml file and browse it in the vistecture online viewer.

More about vistecture

Desk Compass: The smart way to manage your office plan

"Where's my desk?" - Search no more: Manage your floor plan and space layout; Keep track of item locations; Collaborate to maximize overview for your office, event location or lecture rooms.

More about Desk Compass

Contact us

Daniel Pötzinger

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