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Management 3.0 Facilitators Spring Retreat: Work and Play at AOE

April 11, 2017
Christof BraunChristof BraunAgile Architecture

Twice a year, Management 3.0 Facilitators come together for a retreat to discuss, work on and try out various aspects of Management 3.0. The spring 2017 retreat took place on March 24 and 25 in Wiesbaden, hosted and sponsored by AOE GmbH.

The participants were a diverse group, consisting of rookies and very experienced facilitators coming from around the world. Line traveled all the way from Portland, Oregon; and Stefan came from Tokyo, both covering nearly 10,000 Km and eight or nine time zones in order to attend this event.

Also in attendance was Jurgen Appelo, the author of the book Management 3.0 (and several others) and the creator of the first Management 3.0 training class. He is still heavily invested in the brand and continues to contribute much of the material that makes up Management 3.0.

Finding Common Ground

The first day started with an experiment – the attendees created one gigantic Personal Map for the entire group, connecting individual maps to find commonalities. This helped everyone to get to know the other participants, and learn new things about those participants one already knew.

The agenda for the rest of the two days was open. Much like an open space or lean coffee format, topics were collected, prioritized and tackled in order.

Scaling Agility

Jurgen Appelo gave an overview of his new project Agility Scales. Many ideas on how to scale agile principles into large projects and entire organizations exist, each with great ideas, practices, methods and frameworks. Still, organizations struggle with the changes required and finding the best practices for them at just the right time in the current context. This is where Agility Scales will help: Through gamification, nudges, habit-forming and other methods, Agility Scales intends to support the required change and suggests practices from the various scaling models for current issues in specific organizations with specific context. Suggestions are derived from data collected by Agility Scales, as companies use Agility Scales models and applications.

Other topics of the retreat included sales and marketing tricks for Management 3.0 trainings, workshops and coaching. Also included was a discussion on how the brand can be better promoted outside of the IT industry.

Online courses for Management 3.0 content are principally a good idea, but it remains to be seen how such courses compare to traditional training concepts in terms of certification. During the retreat, lots of tips and tricks were exchanged concerning durations, exercises, technology used, etc.

A significant part of the retreat was also dedicated to Management 3.0 content, including:

  • A new module about trust
  • A discussion about the influence of societal change on Management 3.0
  • Trying out games for use in the courses, which was quite a lot of fun

The participants had the opportunity to tour the AOE office and the feedback was unanimous:

Management 3.0 Facilitators

Management 3.0 Facilitators

What a great place to work this must be.

Jurgen was excited to see some of the Management 3.0 ideas being put to use, for example a KUDOs wall.


At the end of the retreat, the retrospective confirmed the positive impressions and the group collected first learnings that can be applied at the next retreat, scheduled for this autumn in London. Many thanks to AOE for being such a gracious host and enablers for a successful Management 3.0 facilitator spring retreat 2017!