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Fernando Fernandez

Company owner at NUM3RUS

After positions at Xerox (2 years) and Gartner (10 years), Fernando Fernandez has been supporting companies in contractual and regulatory projects since the founding of NUM3RUS GmbH in 2010. During this time, he spent nine years implementing various requirements in BaFin-regulated companies. Since the introduction of the GDPR, a dozen data protection mandates have been added, for which he serves as an external data protection officer. Additionally, he is a data protection auditor, outsourcing officer, and holds project management certifications as well as certifications according to ISO 72001 and ISO 42001. For BaFin-regulated companies, he also acted as a project manager for addressing KRITIS findings and has prepared companies for the upcoming challenges regarding DORA/NIS2, often in conjunction with data protection and the AI regulation.