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First AOE TYPO3 Extension (mini) code sprint: Scheduler Timeline 1.0 released

April 01, 2016
Stefan RotschStefan RotschSenior Solution Architect

On March 9 and 10, 2016, the first “AOE TYPO3 Extension (Mini) Code Sprint” took place in our Wiesbaden office. Two developers (thus “mini”) spent 1.5 days each to work on some of AOE’s public TYPO3 extensions, making substantial progress with what is usually neither doable in our short weekly extension maintenance sessions nor in our free time.

3,500+ lines of code and 637 build jobs in 3 person days

During our code sprint, the two of us pushed eleven commits to the master branches, edited 65 files and modified 3,727 lines of code. We were able to resolve 13 issues and triggered a total of 637 build jobs on Travis CI to ensure quality.

Completely documented, clean-code extension

Focusing our efforts on the Scheduler Timeline extension, we managed to release a feature-complete 1.0.0 version to the TYPO3 community, supporting both TYPO3 CMS 6.2 and 7 LTS. Additionally, it comes with an updated extension icon (TYPO3 7 LTS) and an up-to-date user manual. Please refer to the Scheduler Timeline release notes for a complete list of changes.

With the Crawler extension we executed a small maintenance release, containing a couple of modifications required for compatibility with TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS. The Crawler release notes cover what has been done since the last release.

Your input requested

In case you manage to find one of the rare bugs we have carefully hidden in each extension, please let us know! Ideally, you might open an issue in the corresponding tracker on GitHub. If you additionally provide a fix for the bug you have found: even better! Please open a pull request, we will evaluate the patch and make sure it gets merged.


AOE’s public TYPO3 extensions are available on GitHub (crawler, scheduler_timeline) and the TYPO3 Extension Repository TER (crawler, scheduler_timeline), following the TYPO3 project’s vision of “inspiring people to share”.