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AOEconf2017: AOE Single Sign On via an OpenID Provider

November 30, 2017
Christian HolzschuhChristian HolzschuhMarketing & Communications

We continue with our series of AOE Conference 2017 talks. AOE developer Sebastian Rose presented “AOE Identity Service: AOE Single Sign On (SSO) via an OpenID Provider.”

In his talk, Sebastian presumes that AOE, similar to other companies, offers its employees a number of services, for instance:

  • Instant Messaging
  • Intranet
  • Organization of tasks
  • Vacation planning
  • etc.

In addition, customers are another target audience for services, some of which are used by both groups. In order to fulfill these requirements, it can be assumed that software as a service or APIs for customers and / or employees will be the state-of-the-art in the future.

However, this situation has implications for the security of such services. One answer to this challenge is the concept of an AOE Identity and Access Management platform. This provides SSO for services to both AOE employees and customers.

All uses of software products and configurations depicted in this presentation are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actually used software products or existing configurations at AOE, now or in the past, is purely coincidental.

AOE Single Sign On via an OpenID Provider

