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AOE Conference 2017: Talks, Topics, Livestreams

September 05, 2017
Christian HolzschuhChristian HolzschuhOnline Marketing

The AOE Conference 2017 will take place on Thursday, 14 September at AOE in Wiesbaden. Here, we will provide you with an overview of the presentations as well as additional information about the conference and how you can participate.

The AOE Conference takes place for the second time in 2017. In keeping with the Open Source spirit, we will livestream a majority of the talks this year, and publish them afterwards as video content. Unfortunately, not all presentations can be viewed live in their entirety, as we naturally can’t publish any confidential information. Most talks, however, are freely accessible for everyone.

Topics: Agility, Software Development and AOE Projects

AOE is a digital service provider and pioneer in the area of Agility, striving toward thought leadership in Open Source software development und Digitalization. The conference’s aim is to share knowledge among the teams, but also to provide a forum for discussions and conversations with interested parties and like-minded professionals. We therefore chose to focus on on such topics as Agility, Software Development and Digital AOE Projects for the conference. All topics will be presented by AOE employees, with some talks in German and some in English. Conference details as well as a presentation timetable can be found at

How can I follow the AOE Conference?

If you are interested in the topics, you have several possibilities. For instance, you are welcome to watch the livestreams on our social media channels. You will find the Livestream from the "Eatery" on Facebook, and the Livestream from "Großglockner" on YouTube.

In addition, we have a limited number of seats on location in our Wiesbaden office. If you are interested in attending the conference, please send your request via E-Mail. If this shouldn’t work, we ask for your understanding; due to our rapid growth, the room capacity at AOE is exhausted very quickly. If you missed the conference or individual lectures, this is not a problem: We will publish all public talks on our YouTube channel after the conference. Additional information:

Following, you will find a brief description of the #AOEconf17 presentations:

The basic concept of an agile organisation

Our COO, Joern Bock, will present the keynote this year and talk about "The basic concept of an agile organisation – why are we going the agile way in the first place". The presentation, which will be in German, will provide insights into why AOE believes so strongly in Agility, why we are going down the path of self-organized teams and what the benefits are.

His overview: "Why do we design our organisation as an agile organisation? What does it even mean and why is it considered to be the one and only sucessfull strategy for a future-proof organisation? All this and a litte about Theory X- and Y-people will be covered in my talk. I want to briefly touch science and some theoretical backgrounds but mainly, I'm going to give insights into the engine room of an agile organisation".

How to eat an ElePHPant, congstar style

In their Lecture (in German) "How to Eat an ElePHPant, Congstar style: Agile scaling in a self-organizing team", our developers Stefan Rotsch and Timo Fuchs will provide insights into our congstar project and the agile scaling of self-organized teams.

Lecture description: For almost a decade, AOE has been responsible for the development of, the online sales and customer self-care portal of German mobile carrier congstar.

In their talk, Timo Fuchs and Stefan Rotsch will give close insights into the project’s history and how it has grown into a fully self-organized team of 30+ people, working together in four Scrum teams with a fifth team already on the horizon for 2018. Additionally, the speakers will outline the evolution of the project’s architecture and share learnings from the transition of a monolithic application into a microservice approach with now tens of services running in production.

Agile scaling concepts

In his English-language presentation "Agile Scaling Concepts", our Agile Coach Christof Braun will talk about various agile team scaling concepts:

"The increasing popularity of agile principles in software development processes has lead to their use in ever larger organisations and bigger projects. The increased number of people involved causes an exponential increase in communication channels and dependencies. To master this growing complexity, various experts have devised different approaches, such as SAFe, LeSS, Nexus and others. We will explore the main approaches with their central concepts and contrast them with AOE scaling strategies."

A flight through the OM³ systems

Daniel Pötzinger, CIO at AOE, will give an overview of our OM³ Suite. He will explain the rough infrastructure of the suite, which systems are implemented and integrated and which benefits the suite offers to the user.

Daniel describes his talk: "AOE’s award-winning Omnichannel Multi-Merchant Marketplace (OM³) is a powerful online marketplace. In this talk you will get an overview of the system architecture and how they interact with each other by example. We will deep dive into some of of the systems:

  • Flamingo - the new eCommerce Frontend for Microservice Architectures;
  • Dynamic Pricings and Recommendations in Searchperience
  • Logistic On Airport

After the technical view the talk will explain some of the collaborational tools we are using in the 70+ people OM3 teams."

AOE Identity Service: AOE Single Sign On via an OpenID provider

AOE developer Sebastian Rose will lecture about the "AOE Identity Service: AOE Single Sign On via an OpenID provider".

Description: "Like probably every company, AOE provides services to its employees: Instant Messaging, Wiki, Taskorganizing, Vacation Planning. Another common target audience for services are customers. Customers and employees might share serives such as Wiki or the task-organizing software. The future might bring software as a service or APIs provided to customers and/or employees.

I will try to sketch the idea of an AOE Identity and Access Management platform to provide single sign on for services provided to employees and customers."

Modern UI Design Tool Chain (AOE internal)

Our designers Denis Zastaceanu and Artem Danilov will talk about "Modern UI Design Tool Chain: Integrating UI Design and Prototyping into Frontend Development". Unfortunately, as the lecture will have several internal examples, we will not be able to make the presentation available to the general public.

Management 3.0: The secret to happy, performing and motivated self-organized teams

The second talk from our Agile Coach Christof Braun will deal with the topic "Management 3.0: The Secret to Happy, Performing and Motivated Self-Organized Teams: Don't Just Leave Them Alone" (in English). 

Christof about his lecture: "Research and experience have shown that teams and even larger organisational units increase productivity when they are allowed to self-organize. We will look at the reasons for that. And we will look at the challenges for leaders and teams in such an organisation.

Letting a system self-organize does not mean leaving the system alone, but it requires a different kind of leadership. The talk will focus on some of the principles, ideas, tools and exercises of Management 3.0 that support all members of a self-organised system to tackle the new challenges they will encounter: trust, delegation, motivation and happiness at work."

Micro frontends: UI challenges in a microservice world

AOE developer Florian Brandel from the congstar team will talk about "Micro Frontends: UI Challenges in a Microservice World" (in German). 

Description: "When you introduce a microservice architecture you expect small, decoupled and scalable services. Unfortunately, for frontend development this is hard to achieve, and you will often end up maintaining a "frontend monolith". We will have a look at challenges and solutions when creating UIs in a microservice architecture."

Searchperience: The journey from PHP and Solr to Scala and Elasticsearch

Search specialist Timo Litzius will lecture about "Searchperience: The journey from PHP and Solr to Scala and Elasticsearch" in English. His presentation gives an overview of the development of the AOE E-Commerce search solution Searchperience. 

Timo about his lecture: "I’ll take you on a journey about Searchperience, AOE's E-Commerce search solution, how it all started, how it progressed and where we are now. In the three years I’ve been working on that product, we’ve gone through numerous changes regarding the team, our stack, the whole infrastructure as well as performance and automation, while the move to Scala and Elasticsearch had the biggest impact so far. You’ll also receive insights into several learnings we made."

Application security: How security issues develop, how they are found and how they can be mitigated

In his presentation, our security expert Bastian Ike will deal with the topic of "Application security: How security issues develop, how they are found, exploited and how they can be mitigated" auf Englisch. 

Lecture description: "How to make applications secure? How to find, exploit and mitigate security-relevant bugs and eventuallymake your code more stable? Our developer Bastian Ike is an expert in security. He talks at #AOEconf17 about "Application security: How security issues develop, how they are found, exploited and how they can be mitigated."

Pets vs. cattle - modern application infrastructure

In his English presentation "Pets vs. Cattle", system developer Fabrizio Branca will talk about modern infrastructures of applications.

How to create and set up modern application infrastructures? How to run and deploy them? How to do continuous integration? AOE developer Fabrizio Branca ( talks about modern application infrastructure at #AOEconf17 in his talk "Pets vs. Cattle".

Blackbox sales: How does sales at AOE work?

Steven Bailey, Chief Sales Officer bei AOE, will talk about "Blackbox Sales: How does Sales at AOE work, how do people find us?", in English. 

Steven about his lecture: "I will give a brief overview on the history, with a few numbers, of AOE sales. Then I will introduce you to AOE sales in general about the philosphy, strategy, activities, growth, targets and sales channels.

You might ask yourself "Where do leads come from and how do we filter them?", as AOE does not take on just any lead…" Finding the right lead, potential customers, what is their culture, is a challenge...and finding the right team for a potential customer", these topics will be covered in my talk."

AOE Tech Radar Insights

At the beginning of 2017 we published the first AOE Tech Radar. In his second AOE Conf Talk, CIO Daniel Pötzinger will provide "AOE Tech Radar Insights", in English.

Daniel about his talk: "Technology is moving fast - Innovations and Hypes are popping up everywhere.In this short talk Daniel Pötzinger - CTO of AOE, explains the rationale behind the technology radar and gives some insights into the latest AOE technology rating."

The AOE story: AOE time travel – how it all began and how it will go on

Last but not least: Kian Gould, AOE Founder and CEO, will give us a history lesson about AOE. In his talk "The AOE story: AOE time travel – how it all began and how it will go on", he will talk about the genesis of AOE, complete with fascinating anecdotes and his vision for the future of AOE.

Kian about his lecture: "A little trip back to the early days of AOE and what the crucial points in our history were, and how they helped us get to where we are today."