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Order Management Solutions
Order Management Solutions

Orchestrating complex orders and supply chains. Efficient, traceable, secure.

Modern ordering and supply chains place high demands on logistics systems and fulfillment solutions. We solve complex problems with smart digital processes and scalable technologies – to achieve efficient logistics.

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Omnichannel Logistics

The powerful logistics solution enables partial deliveries, different warehouse and delivery destinations, delivery changes at short notice, and tracking.

Fulfillment with Moving Targets

Pinpoint just-in-time fulfillment with dynamic delivery legs and destinations. Flexible routing for rapid response to order changes and delays at short notice.

Efficient Logistics Processes

Modeling of custom-tailored digital workflows, rule sets, and logistics processes to solve complex challenges.

Create efficiency, master complexity

Flexible solutions that generate business value

Short lead times; partial deliveries; multiple vendors, delivery methods, and destinations; organization of multiple partial delivery legs with flexible response to delays and order changes in dynamic systems – complex processes in dynamic environments require fast, flexible responses. Custom-tailored technologies are essential for efficient logistics.

Success factors: flexibility & speed

Rapid response capability through smart processes

AOE is experienced in translating complex processes into digital solutions and in the development of custom-tailored order management platforms. We meet complex requirements with scalable, cloud-based solutions, modern architectures and technologies, and smart digital processes.

Omnichannel order management solution

Powerful, flexible, and scalable

  • Different collection and delivery locations: An order that has to be put together for different stock locations.
  • Intelligent sourcing: Automatic determination of the closest or fastest available source.
  • Multi-vendor: Different vendors or retailers deliver parts of an order to a requested interim location or directly to the destination.
  • Different delivery methods within an order: Combine home delivery, in-store pickup, and delivery to an aircraft in a single order.
  • Automated partial deliveries/split orders: If certain articles are unavailable, orders are automatically split into shipment requests by delivery method, stock location, vendor, and delivery address(es). Subsequent delivery to a different location on a defined date is possible (by ship or train).
  • Order history: Completed tasks are documented as a history in order management, making status tracking possible at all times – including history, task management, and comment function.
Order Management Fulfillment chain

Flexible end-to-end fulfillment with moving targets

Rapid response in complex, dynamic environments

  • Moving targets: Targeted fulfillment with dynamic targets like ships, aircraft, trains, and trucks.
  • Changes at short notice: Rapid response in routing after order changes or delays without placing a new order.
  • Partial deliveries/split orders: Automatic splitting into partial deliveries if articles are unavailable. Subsequent delivery also possible to other destinations by defined deadlines.
  • Scheduled delivery: Scheduled, just-in-time goods deliveries to customers in short time frames, including a warning system if the delivery schedule cannot be met and fallback management to reroute the delivery.
  • Document management: Generation of all relevant fulfillment documents, such as picking and packing lists, invoices, delivery notes, and customs documents.
  • Delivery tracking: Full transparency and control thanks to consignment-specific end-to-end tracking of shipments and (partial) deliveries for each mode of transport.

Digitalization of logistics processes

Efficiency and flexibility through digitalized processes

  • End-to-end fulfillment processes: Direct integration of logistics service providers and courier services for an end-to-end fulfillment process within a single system for employees.
  • Messaging system: External systems (such as SAP) can be integrated with every status within logistics.
  • Data quality and security in real time: Avoid information loss with guaranteed accurate, current information in real time.
  • UX and usability: The application is easy to learn and manage, thanks to its intuitive UX design and usability on the back-end.
  • Complex rules and workflows: The sophisticated workflow engine supports the mapping of highly complex requirements.
  • Workflow configuration: Flexible configuration of workflows and processes in order processing.

Modern architecture with API integration

Integration of OMS & Logistics in existing system landscapes

  • Scalable technologies: Scalable architecture and management under load (cloud-hosted, microservice-based, event-driven, asynchronous structure using commands/messages).
  • API integration with existing system landscapes: Interface-based integration with existing 3PL, WMS, ERP, and POS systems.
  • E2E processes with third-party systems: Digital E2E processes through direct integration with relevant third-party systems (couriers, vendor management, vendors, freight forwarders).
  • Data quality and security in real time: Avoid information loss with guaranteed accurate, current information in real time.
  • Central data management for employees: Payment and financial clearing, vendor management, vendor and courier integration.
  • Cybersecurity: Protection for data and platform, secure communication between systems, efficient permission and access management.

A platform for highly complex
logistics & ordering systems

Target Group-Specific Order Management

The powerful logistics platform enables complex orders that meet customer requests exactly.

End-to-end Fulfillment

The fulfillment process is mapped end-to-end in a single system, from order to delivery.

Flexible Routing after Changes

Rapid response to changes and delays, without canceling existing orders.

Consignment-specific Tracking

Full transparency and control thanks to consignment-specific end-to-end tracking of (partial) deliveries for each mode of transport.

Multiple Delivery Methods to Unlimited Destinations

Unlimited variety of delivery methods and destinations (such as warehouses, end customers, multiple destinations, partial deliveries, and scheduled deliveries) thanks to flexible flow engine.

API-based System Integration

Fast integration with existing landscapes and with a variety of ERP and logistics systems thanks to API-first architecture.

Daniel Pötzinger

Daniel Pötzinger

Our order management solution has several valuable USPs. In particular, our end-to-end approach ensures the availability of products in an unlimited number of locations and the delivery to an unlimited number of destinations through a variety of delivery methods.
Daniel Pötzinger
Kian Gould