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AOEconf2017: Application security – How security issues develop, how they are found and how they can be mitigated

December 14, 2017
Christian HolzschuhChristian HolzschuhMarketing & Communications

How can I make my applications secure? How can I find, exploit and mitigate security-relevant bugs? And how can I make my code more stable? AOE developer Bastian Ike provides a definition of application security for the participants of AOEconf2017, focusing on software security. He then describes common attack vectors / common classes of bugs  especially with regard to web applications.

Our security expert picked out three of the attack vectors, which he describes in more detail:

  • Code execution,
  • encryption and
  • issues in business logic.

Bastian explains why these attack vectors often occur together and therefore describes them from a high-level perspective. He concludes his talk by describing how to prevent these issues – and how to find them in the first place.

Bastian Ike

Bastian Ike

Developer / AOE
Application security is crucial in our industry. To increase the security of web applications, above all, you have to be quick and up-to-date.

Application security – How security issues develop, how they are found and how they can be mitigated

