Design of distributed applications need to be done wisely. Where Domain-Driven Design focuses on the tactical design of an application in one bounded context, strategic software architecture tackles the high-level design of distributed large-scale applications and enterprise architectures.
It is a pattern family focused on using and defining Bounded Context and thinking explicitly of the different relationship patterns and the required "translation" of similar "concepts" between the bounded contexts. It is helpful to argue and find a good strategic architecture in alignment with the requirements, the domain and by considering Conway's Law. A context map and a common conceptional core help to understand and improve the overall strategic picture. Especially with a microservice architecture in mind, it is important to define and connect services following the low coupling - high cohesion principles by identifying fitting bounded contexts.
This training provides an overview (high-level) of patterns and strategies in enterprise software architecture and development:
Feedback from participants of previous trainings on who can benefit from this training:
1. Introduction
2. Software Architecture Basics
3. Strategic Domain Driven Design
4. Architecture Styles
5. Integration Patterns
6. Distributed Systems and Resilience Patterns
7. Architecture Documentation
8. Summary
HR & AOE Academy Strategy Lead