The requirements for IT security are growing with the degree of digitalization. This is a situation that poses challenges for many companies. For hackers don’t stand still: They constantly develop – and they are researching new tools and ways to penetrate digital infrastructures.
Anyone who wants to protect their IT infrastructure has to know where the weak points on-site are and be familiar with potential attackers. Defensive strategies can only be effective if you can assess the threats realistically and if you know the attackers’ methods and procedures. The key to building experience and knowledge in the cybersecurity sector is the ability to imagine yourself practically in the attacker’s shoes.
Think like a hacker: Reveal the 10 most common security gaps in web applications – and prevent them.
In this training, the AOE Academy will present the OWASP TOP 10 and explain the list of the 10 most common attack vectors using practical examples in the programming languages Java, PHP, Go, and Python. In addition, you can do interactive exercises in our OWASP lab and thereby gain some real hands-on experience.
All development teams and developers
Hands-on training, interactive lab & live hack: In the course of the training, the individual types of security gaps will be examined and traced and tried out in the OWASP lab. With the interactive OWASP LAB, participants can complete exercises on the topics and gain practical experience.
Training structure:
HR & AOE Academy Strategy Lead