Cloudland talk: Container Vulnerability Management in Kubernetes

Cloudland talk: Container Vulnerability Management in Kubernetes

Kevin Schu

Director Cloud & Devops

Kevin Schu presented "Container Vulnerability Management in Kubernetes" on the Cloudland conference 2023. Please find the video of the talk and the presentation download.

Cloudland: Thursday 22.06.2023 | 16:00 - 16:45 | Stage 1

Content of the presentation:

With the increasing adoption of Kubernetes and container technology, the need for effective vulnerability management is also growing.

  • What can such a vulnerability management look like in concrete terms?
  • How do I integrate vulnerability scans into my pipelines?
  • How do I prevent vulnerabilities from being deployed into my Kubernetes environment?
  • How do I keep track of vulnerabilities disclosed at runtime?
  • What processes do I need to establish to address vulnerabilities?

I want to share how we manage container vulnerabilities in Kubernetes environments for our customers, what tool we use to do this, and what processes we have established to address prioritization and remediation of identified vulnerabilities.

Download Presentation

Talk Video - Cloudland 2023: | "Container Vulnerability Management in Kubernetes"

Video on YouTube:

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Kevin Schu

Director Cloud & Devops

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Kevin Schu

Director Cloud & Devops

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Director Cloud & Devops

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Director Cloud & Devops

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Kevin Schu

Director Cloud & Devops

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Kevin Schu

Director Cloud & Devops

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