Our CTO and Co-Founder Daniel Pötzinger was a guest on the intrinsify Podcast, the podcast for modern leadership and organizational design in the 21st century. There, Philipp Simanek and Elisabeth Neuhaus discuss Agile Organizations, Hybrid Working, Modern Leadership, and New Work. Or, as they call it, "leading effectively, working without bullshit".
In the episode, Daniel outlined the development of AOE: from a three-person company with the conviction to work without hierarchy to the established organization with more than 200 employees of today. He explained how structures and thus a culture have emerged at AOE over time. The probably longest Kanban board in the Rhine-Main area and discussions about the composition of the snack drawer played no small part in this!
Furthermore, Daniel discussed the term 'participation theater' (Link in German) – a diagnosis that intrinsify had made about AOE about four years ago, and explained the reflections and developments this has led to and continues to lead to. Tune in now – highly recommended!
intrinsify is a corporate group focused on effective work, specializing in business management and organizational development.
The full episode with Daniel can be found here:
...and of course, wherever else you can find good podcasts!
Senior Solution Architect
Senior Solution Architect