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Services / GenAI

GenAI compliance

1 day Remote
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The AI Regulation (AI-VO) came into effect on August 1, 2024. It will be gradually introduced in several steps with various transition periods. One of the first milestones, which must be implemented by February 2, 2025, includes Chapters I and II of the AI Regulation. These chapters define, among other things, the provision of AI competence (Article 4 AI-VO).

This training provides the necessary framework and context for AI competence in the scope of Article 4 of the AI-VO.


Article 4 of the AI Regulation emphasizes the need to impart competencies in the use of artificial intelligence. In connection with Recital 1, it becomes clear that it is important to leverage the opportunities of AI while also considering the risks. Promoting AI competencies aims to help people better understand how to use AI safely and responsibly. This not only fosters innovation but also contributes to the protection of fundamental rights and minimizes the risks associated with AI.

Target group

The training should be understood as a requirement from the AI Regulation, aimed at training all employees who will work with AI directly or indirectly.


This training fulfills the employer’s obligations under the AI Regulation, as outlined in Article 4. It is designed to be imparted to any employee working directly or indirectly with AI, regardless of the type of AI used.


  • Scope of the AI Regulation
  • Applicability of the AI Regulation
  • Necessity of the AI Regulation
  • Types of AI
  • Selection of applicable laws
  • Roles and definitions
  • Employer responsibilities
  • Individual accountability
  • Co-determination by the works council or staff council
  • Corporate governance regarding the use of AI
  • Prohibited practices

Organizational information

  • Suitable for all teams
  • Language: German (English available upon request)
  • Time: 1 full day or 2 half-days
  • Location: remote
  • Group size: from 8 to 15 participants
Fernando Fernandez

Our trainer: Fernando Fernandez

After positions at Xerox (2 years) and Gartner (10 years), Fernando Fernandez has been supporting companies in contractual and regulatory projects since the founding of NUM3RUS GmbH in 2010. During this time, he spent nine years implementing various requirements in BaFin-regulated companies. Since the introduction of the GDPR, a dozen data protection mandates have been added, for which he serves as an external data protection officer.

Additionally, he is a data protection auditor, outsourcing officer, and holds project management certifications as well as certifications according to ISO 72001 and ISO 42001.

For BaFin-regulated companies, he also acted as a project manager for addressing KRITIS findings and has prepared companies for the upcoming challenges regarding DORA/NIS2, often in conjunction with data protection and the AI regulation.