AOE Technology RadarAOE Technology Radar

Panda CSS is a feature-rich and highly versatile CSS-in-JS library that generates CSS at build time. It provides a great developer experience without the disadvantages of runtime libraries. It is framework-agnostic, but unlike Stylex and Vanilla Extract, it provides JSX-specific features like the styled function and style props on top of it.

Key Features:

  • Compatible with React Server Components
  • No performance disadvantages compared to runtime libraries
  • Highly versatile:
    • Recipes and variants like Stitches
    • Framework-agnostic
    • styled function to create UI components like Stitches
    • Style props like styled-system
    • Utility classes like Tailwind
  • W3C-compliant design system with tokens and utilities support
  • Fully typed API

With comprehensive documentation and great community support from the Chakra UI Team, we see a lot of potential for it to become one of the best CSS-in-JS libraries in the future.