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AOEconf2017: Microfrontends - UI challenges in a microservice world

December 04, 2017
Christian HolzschuhChristian HolzschuhMarketing & Communications

The seventh talk in our AOE Conference 2017 series deals with microfrontends. AOE frontend developer Florian Brandel talked about “UI challenges in a microservice world”. Assumption: When introducing a microservice architecture, one expects small, decoupled and scalable services. The difficulty lies in the frontend, where you often end up maintaining a “frontend monolith”.

In his talk, Florian delves into a number of challenges that need to be addressed in UI design:

  • Frontend Integration
  • Consistency 
  • Mix of Technologies
  • Error Handling
  • Reslience

With microfrontends, there is no “one size fits all” solution. However, one of the biggest benefits of such an approach is that teams can work more independently.

Micro Frontends: UI challenges in a microservice world

