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CSR & Sustainability
CSR & Sustainability

Corporate Social Responsibility. Our goal:
to be a positive contributor.

As a company, we are aware of our responsibility to society, the environment, and the climate, especially as a company with relatively high energy consumption. That's why we are committed to improving sustainability as one of our values.

Principles for our actions

Social responsibility

We take our social responsibility seriously and commit to creating a positive impact.


We see sustainability as a necessity and want to set a good example as a company.

Ethical principles

We ensure that potential partners and customers share our ethical principles before we enter into cooperation.

Responsibility and trust are key values that feature strongly in ethical debate across many contexts – we share in that global discussion at AOE. Responsibility and trust are the foundations of our thinking and actions. Our responsibilities include our customer projects, our responsibility to make informed and sustainable decisions and, of course, our responsibility to our employees. Beyond AOE, we share our wider responsibility for society and the environment, including the impact made by our services and products.

How we act:
Our code of conduct & ethics

AOE embodies a values-based culture that is expressed and sustained through our actions in our day-to-day work. For external stakeholders and other interested parties, we have summarized the values and principles by which we operate in a Code of Conduct and Ethics, which is to be understood as a living and growing documentation.

Download Code of Conduct

Kian Gould

Kian Gould

CEO & Founder / AOE
We want to become more sustainable in our own actions, in our strategic and operational business model, and align ourselves with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Contributions against climate change

As a company with a relatively high energy consumption – due to the operation of server farms and activities in the aviation industry – we take our responsibility towards climate change very seriously. Some AOE and Omnevo initiatives to offset our climate contribution:

  • We follow a net-zero policy for our entire footprint.
  • We source only 100% renewable energy for our offices and internal server infrastructure.
  • We offset 200% of our total business mobility (flights, cars, etc.) via atmosfair.
  • We regularly participate in large-scale tree-planting campaigns.
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Our engagement

Projects that we support

We support a range of initiatives that share our ethical principles, contributing financially as well as with our services and our know-how. Several non-profit organizations and social projects not only receive donations from us, but also discounts or our working time in the creation, implementation and maintenance of their websites. For our commitment, we have received the Golden Lily Award 2022 and 2020.

Ethical principles

Based on our ethical principles, we critically review our cooperation with companies and, if necessary, have any-proposed cooperation reviewed by an ethics committee. We refuse to cooperate with companies whose business practices fall significantly under one of the following criteria:

  • Manufacturers of controlled, illegal or harmful substances
  • Pornography
  • Partner portals
  • Armaments and weapons
  • Companies known for cases of corruption, child labor, slave labor, prostitution or other unethical practices

Sustainability report

Because sustainability is a necessity for us

Until sustainability is fully embedded through regulation, the only way to achieve it is through voluntary action by those involved. In support of this ambition, we have published our sustainability report. At AOE, we commit to setting a good example, creating transparency, and providing an honest overview of where we stand and what we need - and want - to improve.

Download Sustainability Report (in German)

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