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User story mapping for the digitalization of fibre optic expansion at NetCologne

User story mapping for the digitalization of fibre optic expansion at NetCologne

From complex overall requirements to an MVP


NetCologne is a regional telecommunications provider based in Cologne, offering services in internet, telephone, television, and mobile communications. As a pioneer in fiber optic expansion in Germany, NetCologne operates a modern fiber optic network spanning 30,500 kilometers and serves over half a million residential and business customers.

NetCologne is committed to ensuring infrastructure in the region and places great emphasis on a close connection with the people and the local community.


An ambitious project: the FTTH Factory

Given the growing importance of fiber optic expansion, NetCologne launched the ambitious project called FTTH Factory, which focuses on all process steps related to pre-orders for fiber optic products before network expansion.

This project encompasses both customer-oriented and internal processes to ensure a seamless roll-out of fiber optic services. The goal was to optimize every step, enhance transparency for customers, and reduce manual processes within the company – from the first customer inquiry to the final implementation phase.


From a lack of overall view to MVP

To identify and prioritize the necessary steps and features for the FTTH Factory project, NetCologne needed a clear, structured approach that provided a comprehensive overview and enabled effective decision-making. A method was required to gain an overall view of all the project-relevant features, cluster various thematic elements, and ultimately define a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).


User Story Mapping Workshop

To meet this need, we organized a User Story Mapping workshop for NetCologne. User Story Mapping is a proven technique in agile development that visualizes the user journey through a product, identifies key features, and prioritizes development tasks.

1. Preparation:

The team gathered all relevant stakeholders, including project managers, developers, customer service representatives, and other relevant departments. Data was collected in advance, such as identifying who the users are, both internally and externally, to focus on the key target groups, as well as how the process had been handled so far and what the pain points were.

2. Mapping the User Journey:

> The participants collaboratively mapped the user journey from the initial expression of interest in fiber optic services to the actual expansion and service activation.

> Each step of the journey was broken down into detailed user stories, representing specific tasks or requirements from the user's perspective.

> The different users were assigned to the activities and/or stories.

> Through discussion, a shared understanding and common language were established among all participants.

3. Thematic Clustering:

The user stories were then grouped into thematic clusters, identifying commonalities and dependencies. This step helped the team understand the overarching themes and essential components of the project.

4. MVP Definition:

Through discussion and prioritization, the team identified the key functions that needed to be included in the MVP. Through discussion and prioritization, the team identified the key functions that needed to be included in the MVP.


Comprehensive overview and defined MVP

The User Story Mapping workshop was crucial in providing NetCologne with a structured and comprehensive overview of the FTTH Factory project. All necessary features were collected, themes were effectively clustered, and the MVP was ultimately defined to ensure that the initial launch met essential user needs and project goals. Additionally, it simplified the creation and prioritization of our product backlog.

Customer feedback


Managing complexity by mapping the user journey

The success of the User Story Mapping workshop highlighted its value in complex software development scenarios.

By clearly visualizing the user journey and prioritizing features, we were able to efficiently manage the complexity of the FTTH Factory project together. The approach not only clarified the project scope but also promoted team collaboration and alignment among all involved stakeholders, creating a solid foundation for future developments. Even after the MVP launch, we actively continued to work with the map, reprioritizing topics, discarding some based on learnings, and identifying new requirements.

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