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Unlocking trust: Developing a user-friendly solution to combat key fraud

At the request of Horváth & Partners and ADAC, ENNOstudio wants to put a stop to key fraudsters! For this purpose we designed several digital applications, through which people seeking help, standing in front of locked doors without a key, can quickly and easily contact serious key services in the area. The key to success here was transparency, usability and to make the nerve-racking waiting time of the customers as pleasant as possible.

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Identifying problems and providing a suitable solution

A nerve-racking situation that everyone has probably experienced at least once: whether keys are forgotten or lost, you are standing at the door and cannot get in. In such a situation quick and competent help is needed, because unfortunately dubious rip-offs of key emergency services are not uncommon. In order to provide more clarity, help in an emergency and, on top of that, a smoother process in case of an emergency, we have developed an uncomplicated, reliable and user-friendly solution in cooperation with the ADAC.


No more standing in front of closed doors with the right app

It started with a pilot project in Munich, whereby trustworthy key services were passed on to those seeking help via a telephone hotline of the ADAC. After the successful test phase, this was extended to Berlin and Hamburg, whereby from now on the services of reliable providers can also be found via a digital version on the ADAC website.

Various applications were developed in the process. On the one hand for the affected customers, on the other hand for the local, trustworthy partners in key services, in order to ensure faster and more transparent communication between the respective parties.


The key to success: Good Usability

To test the usability, we designed mock-ups with real customers, used eye-tracking methods and worked together with psychologists to achieve the best possible result. By simulating dangerous situations, we were also able to add a special emergency tool and provide a complete user experience package.

Due to the already rather conservative appearance of the ADAC, it was especially important to us to design the user interface as friendly as possible in order to give customers a calming feeling in a stressful situation. In this context, we had brought the little mascot “Türli” to life, which was available to the customer in form of a chat bot for urgent questions, but in the end it was unfortunately not used in the final version. All in all, this is a project with a special focus on transparency and practicability, which is also reflected in the design.