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Services / GenAI

GenAI for companies: Strategies and Recommendations

1 day Remote
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In an era where Generative AI is fundamentally changing how businesses operate, it's crucial to prepare. Our training provides companies with the opportunity to engage with the potentials and risks of this technological revolution and develop a meaningful "AI strategy."


This training offers a current overview of generative AI fundamentals. We highlight the rapid development of recent years and explore potentials and future possibilities. We examine specific application areas and examples for businesses and discuss meaningful strategic implications and recommendations. After the training, participants will be able to formulate strategic implications and recommendations for their organization.

Target group

This training is aimed at all individuals in companies who want to prepare for the challenges and opportunities of Generative AI.

  • Management
  • Product Owners
  • Software Architects
  • Software Developers


1. Introduction

  • Overview of AI, ML
  • Overview of "LLM" and "genAI":
  • Terms and functionality
  • Application areas

2. Playground

  • Hands-on experimentation with different models: openAI, Gemini & OpenSource

3. LLM Details

  • Learning methods
  • Scaling "Laws"
  • Model architectures, properties, and terms (Encoder, Decoder, Mixture of Experts)
  • RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)
  • Agents

4. Insights into genAI Ecosystem

  • Overview of platforms, tools, players (Commercial and OpenSource)
  • Model evaluation (Benchmarks)

5. Trends and Examples

  • Practical examples of companies successfully using LLM, genAI

6. Future Outlook

  • Development forecasts and discussion

7. Possible first and next steps

  • Where to start
  • Compliance and risk management
  • Data architecture
  • Enterprise architecture

Organizational information

  • Time: 1 day
  • Language: English or German
  • Location: online or on-site upon request
  • Group size: from 5 to 8 participants
Daniel Pötzinger

Our trainer: Daniel Pötzinger

Daniel Pötzinger has many years of experience in the development and architecture of Enterprise Web Applications. He has worked with many great self-organized agile teams and knows how collaboration and mutual inspiration – together with the right technologies and patterns – makes software projects successful and solving challenges fun. In addition, Daniel has comprehensive knowledge about how to establish DevOps and Continuous Delivery practices in IT organizations.
At AOE, Daniel has provided consulting services and helped implement more than 100 Enterprise projects for such renowned clients as Deutsche Telekom, congstar, Rovio, Cisco Webex, QVC and VMware.