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Services / Agile competencies

Exploring Requirements

Creating a common understanding

1.5 days Remote
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Fast, up-to-date and stable: This can describe a software solution or a racing bike model – the exact meaning depends on the context.

Context is also crucial in agile software development. Thus, requirements form the core foundation, and at the same time they pose major challenges for everyone involved. This is because requirements are passed on in a communication process and it is communication that is often the cause of misunderstandings between different parties when different contexts are brought in.

What does this mean concretely?

When passing on requirements – in the agile environment, these are summarized in "user stories" – the following errors can occur:

  • Observation errors
  • Remembrance errors
  • Interpretation errors
  • Ambiguity of the problem definition

These errors can run through the entire software development process. The later they are discovered, the higher the cost to correct them. Ideally, the highlighted risks are identified and corrected before their implementation.


This training is about showing what types of errors can occur when dealing with requirements and what risks exist as a result. Especially in agile process models, the team can make optimal use of individual agile events and methods to minimize the highlighted risks and errors.


In this interactive training, we focus on requirements and their challenges using various practical exercises. Possible deviations and inconsistencies will be highlighted in a practical manner in order to identify requirements smells. Based on this, different types of risks will be analyzed and joint solution approaches will be developed on the basis of your software development process in order to identify risks and minimize them together in the team.
Watch out: No classroom lecture – rather a real hands-on training with practical examples and many helpful impulses for your everyday life!

Training structure:

  1. What are requirements?
  2. What states can requirements have and where do the risks lie?
  3. Deep-dive into the risks/their cause
  4. How is it possible to deploy agile tools and ceremonies to minimize the risks?

Organizational information

  • Suitable for all development teams
  • Recommendation: for all team members/roles within the agile software process
  • Language: English or German, depending on preference
  • Time: 1.5 days / 3 half days
  • Location: online
  • Group size: from 5 to 8 participants
Stefanie Kohlen

Our trainer: Stefanie Kohlen

Stefanie Kohlen is a Product Owner at AOE. Having handled international press work for customers in the ITC sector for many years, she quickly discovered her passion for digital projects. In 2007, she shifted to the role of project manager for a Düsseldorf online agency, and she began grappling intensively with scrum and agile ways of working starting in 2014. Since then, she has worked as a certified Product Owner on various – also scaled – projects and her mission is to constantly improve how the team and customers are working.